【Game】Driver Parallel Lines(ドライバー・パラレルラインズ)- Xbox

PS2版、Xbox北米版を所有するほど気に入った『DRIV3R』。その待望の続編が『Driver Parallel Lines』。今回は迷わずに Xbox北米版 を予約購入しました。とにかく音楽と車がかっこいい!特に Lyrics Born "I Changed My Mind" にはやられましたね。

Lyrics Born "I Changed My Mind" Official Music Video by lyricsborntv

発売前、公式サイトをわくわくしながらチェックしたものです。Fan Site Kit や MP3 をダウンロードできたのですが、無くなったのかな?つい先日まではあったはずなのですが。

UBISOFT のプレスリリースによると現在続編が製作中とのこと。うれしい!
The 2010-11 fiscal year will see a greater number of franchise releases than in 2009-10, including Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction?, a new game in the Tom Clancy?’s Ghost ReconR series, Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands?, DriverR, Raving Rabbids? 4 and a new episode of Assassin’s CreedR, which will be the first in the series to have an online multiplayer mode. The 2010-11 line-up will be more focused on the Xbox 360R and PLAYSTATIONR 3, the consoles which are expected to experience sustained sales growth in games for gamers in calendar 2010. Other new franchises and innovations will also be announced throughout the year.


New Driver to be shown at E3 News - Eurogamer.net
Ubisoft has confirmed that "the next iteration of the blockbuster franchise Driver" will be unveiled at E3 next month.

今月15~17日に開催される E3 2010 にて「Driver」シリーズ最新作がお披露目となる模様です。これは楽しみ!


Driver: San Francisco(ドライバー・サンフランシスコ)発表ありました!

★ Official - 公式サイト -

★ Walkthrough - 攻略サイト -

★ Playthrough - 攻略動画 -

【Walkthrough : 攻略】Driver: PL - Storyline by zoton27

★ Play - プレイ動画 -

Driver: Parallel Lines - PC - Turning the Screw Maxed at Q9400, 9800GT [HD] by hyungwoo0312

Driver Parallel Lines Fun :D by LIVE2speed221

4Dedos [Driver Parallel Lines] 1978 by NOVACubs

4Dedos [Driver Parallel Lines] 2006 by NOVACubs

★ etc. - その他 -

★ Rating Scores & Reviews - 評価&レビュー -
『Driver Parallel Lines』Xbox 版

GameSpot - 6.5
TeamXbox - 7.7
IGN - 7.2
Metacritic - Metascore(メタスコア)その他のスコア一覧

Amazon】Driver Parallel Lines(Xbox / PLAYSTATION 2 / Wii / PC)
楽●天】Driver Parallel Lines(Xbox / PLAYSTATION 2 / Wii / PC)- 価格の安い順
Play-Asia.com】Driver Parallel Lines(Xbox / PLAYSTATION 2 / Wii / PC)- ここは海外版の値下がり時期が早めなので、よくお買い得品をGETできて助かります。

★ 楽天 - Driver Parallel Lines - 価格の安い順

★ Blog - Driver Parallel Lines についてのブログ記事(日本)-

★ 最近発売された Xbox 360 タイトル(GameSpot スコア)
見逃している佳作、名作はありませんか? ゲームタイトルをクリックで GameSpot のレビューページ(英語)へ。その他のリンクは情報収集や販売価格の比較などにご活用ください。

>> その他の機種(Xbox 360PS3PSPWiiNintendo DSPCiPhone)の スコア情報

Driver Parallel Lines
Fan Site Kit / Artwork / Concept

Driver Parallel Lines
Fan Site Kit / Artwork / Concept / StoryBoards

Driver Parallel Lines
Fan Site Kit / Artwork / Scenery

Driver Parallel Lines
Fan Site Kit / Artwork / Scenery

Driver Parallel Lines
Fan Site Kit / Artwork / Scenery

Driver Parallel Lines
Fan Site Kit / Artwork / Cars / Then_Car_List

Driver Parallel Lines
Fan Site Kit / Artwork / Cars / Now_Car_List

Driver Parallel Lines
Fan Site Kit / Characters ※ 左:1978年 右:2006年

From out West, but home's too slow and too dull for him. He's 18 years old with a sense of humour that gets him into trouble and a grin that gets him out; he knows the world's his for the taking. Soon as he can get the money together, first place he heads is New York City. It's the only place he wants to be; the only place he can let his ambition off the leash. It's the place where he plans to make one hell of a fortune using the one marketable skill he's got - driving.

TK's hero - his idol. It was Ray who first taught TK to drive, back home on the farm. It was Ray - good-looking, good-natured Ray - who always had the girls after him. Ray's five years older than TK; he came to New York as soon as he could afford the gas to get there and set up a repair shop in Queens as cover for a car-ringing outfit.

Smooth and superfly, he lives to party, be the centre of attention, tell all the stories, and make everyone laugh. Slink's always been good at providing his clients with whatever they want - hot ladies, good booze, great sounds - but he's also developed an ability to find other things too: guns, explosives, and cars.

The Mexican
Big in every sense. He loves life, partying, girls, drink, drugs, guns, bikes, cars, and adrenaline highs. He can't help but be right in the thick of any action. Tired of the small-time, he sees New York as the place to be to strike it big and take his chance to surf the tidal wave of drugs money.

Hard, professional, greedy and cunning - a loner who has trouble trusting anyone other than himself. After three tours in 'Nam, he's come home with new attitudes about his mind and body. Bishop is a guy who nurtures a carefully controlled ambition, together with a passion for killing and destruction.

He's the best planner in the business. He's obsessed with details. He'll work night and day figuring out the stats, the timings, the people, the weights, the distances. He thinks of everything. With Candy you get the best…but you also get the worst - apart from the body-odour, Candy just never stops moaning.

The leader of the gang; a totally commanding presence who knows he's destined for great things. Relaxed, upbeat, super-confident and charming - people just can't help opening up to Corrigan. He's got a great smile and you trust him from the word go, but behind the smile is an amoral, ruthless man.

Works for Candy in 2006, keeps things running smoothly; keeps the money coming in and, as a trained marksman, keeps the street gangs off his back. But there's more to her beneath the surface. Candy's is just a stepping stone on her way to exacting a revenge she's spent her life preparing for.

★ 楽天 - 先週の売れ筋ランキング TOP25 - Xbox 360

>>【楽●天】ランキング市場で Xbox360 デイリー売れ筋ランキング(1位~100位)をチェック

★ Amazon.co.jp(日本)- ベストセラー TOP10 - Xbox 360

>>【Amazon.co.jp(日本)】で Xbox 360 ベストセラー(1位~100位)をチェック

★ Amazon.com(USA)- ベストセラー TOP10 - Xbox 360

>>【Amazon.com(USA)】で Xbox 360 ベストセラー(1位~100位)をチェック


