【Game】『God of War』トリロジー全71曲が無料ダウンロード可能に

God of War III by MahaloVideoGames

『God of War』トリロジー全71曲が無料ダウンロード可能に - Game*Spark

先日、いよいよ発売となった『God of War III』。その3作品にわたる計71楽曲もの楽曲が無料でダウンロード可能になったそうです。フォーマットは MP3(ビットレート 256kbps)

g3_trilogy_soundtrack.zip ( 300MB)

いやぁ、太っ腹ですね。PS2『God of War(ゴッド・オブ・ウォー)』『God of War II(ゴッド・オブ・ウォーⅡ 終焉の序曲)』PSP『God of War: Chains of Olympus(ゴッド・オブ・ウォー 落日の悲愴曲)』と遊んできて『God of War III』もぜひプレイしたい自分ですが、当面のところ PS3 購入の予定はありませんので Xbox 360 のアクション系ゲームの BGM として楽しむことにします。


God of War: Original Soundtrack from the Video Game
Gerard Marino, Mike Reagan, Cris Velasco, Ron Fish,
Winifred Phillips with Winnie Waldron

1. The Vengeful Spartan (01:21)
2. Kratos and the Sea (02:21)
3. The Splendor of Athens (02:09)
4. Ares Destroys Athens (01:13)
5. Mind the Cyclops (02:09)
6. Athenian Battle (03:07)
7. Exploring the Ruins (02:02)
8. Athens Rooftops Fighting (02:39)
9. Save the Oracle Challenge (01:35)
10. Kratos' Evil Past (02:01)
11. The Story of Cronos (01:17)
12. Battle the Lethal Sirens (02:28)
13. The Temple of Pandora (00:36)
14. Pandoran Cyclopes Attack (01:42)
15. The Architect's Mysteries (02:00)
16. Zeus' Wrath Divine (03:04)
17. The Underwater World of Poseidon (03:04)
18. Minotaur Boss Battle (01:57)
19. Pandora's Box (01:00)
20. Hades, God of the Underworld (01:13)
21. Duel with Ares (02:22)
22. Enthroned on Mount Olympus (01:57)
23. God of War End Title (03:34)

46:51 TRT

God of War II: Original Soundtrack from the Video Game
Gerard Marino, Ron Fish, Mike Reagan, Cris Velasco

1. God of War II - Main Titles (02:55)
2. The Glory of Sparta (03:06)
3. The Way of the Gods (02:11)
4. Colossus of Rhodes (02:04)
5. The Bathhouse (02:03)
6. Death of Kratos (04:02)
7. The End Begins (01:53)
8. Typhon Mountain (03:14)
9. Waking the Sleeping Giant (01:48)
10. Battle for the Skies (02:14)
11. Exploring the Isle (02:17)
12. The Isle of Creation (03:18)
13. The Summit of Sacrifice (02:31)
14. An Audience with Cronos (02:05)
15. The Barbarian King Returns (01:59)
16. Bog of Lost Souls (02:19)
17. Battle in the Bog (02:00)
18. Crossing the Lowlands (02:02)
19. Atlas (03:34)
20. Palace of the Fates (02:44)
21. Phoenix Rising (02:08)
22. Ashen Spire (01:00)
23. Athena (00:56)
24. The Battle for Olympus (03:09)

57:32 TRT

God of War III: Original Soundtrack from the Video Game
Gerard Marino, Ron Fish, Cris Velasco, Mike Reagan, Jeff Rona

1. God of War III Overture (03:36)
2. Call to Arms (02:41)
3. Poseidon's Wrath (02:32)
4. Revenge Falling (03:10)
5. Anthem of the Dead (01:17)
6. Depths of Hades (02:54)
7. The Forge of Hephaestus (02:18)
8. Labor of Destruction (01:36)
9. The Three Judges (01:40)
10. The Lost Souls (02:38)
11. Duel with Hades (01:44)
12. Tides of Chaos (04:24)
13. Stalker (01:55)
14. The Muse's Song (02:06)
15. Brothers of Blood (02:44)
16. Lure of a Goddess (02:07)
17. The March of Tartarus (02:00)
18. The Great Machine (03:01)
19. Pandora's Song (02:26)
20. Revenge Rising (01:34)
21. All for Nothing (02:22)
22. Rage of Sparta (01:41)
23. In the Face of Fear (02:00)
24. End of Vengeance (04:19)

58:45 TRT

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